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December 19, 2023

Prioritizing All The Things: A Marketing Strategy Framework for Business Wins

Seth Viebrock
Written by Seth Viebrock
CEO of O8
Marketing strategy framework for prioritization

A Compass for Maximizing Business Impact

In the whirlwind of marketing, with a million channels clamoring for your attention and a finite budget to juggle, the question looms large: What do I prioritize? It's a conundrum familiar to every marketer, regardless of industry or company size. 

The answer, however, isn't a one-size-fits-all recipe, but a strategic dance of data, intuition, and alignment with your core business goals. Here we equip you with the tools and frameworks to navigate this dance and prioritize your marketing efforts for maximum business impact.

Step 1: Understanding Your "Impact Equation"

Before setting priorities, define your impact equation: the specific metrics that translate marketing success into tangible business value. Is it increased revenue? Brand awareness? Customer retention? Each priority will hinge on these core metrics.

Step 2: Unveiling Your Audience Landscape

Knowing your audience is like having a map in the marketing jungle. Conduct thorough audience research to understand their demographics, online behavior, pain points, and preferred communication channels. This research informs your decision on which platforms and tactics resonate most effectively.

Step 3: Mapping Your Competitive Ecosystem

Your marketing strategy should not live in a vacuum. Analyze your competitive landscape, identifying your direct and indirect competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and the channels they dominate. This analysis helps you identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation.

Step 4: Building Your Strategic Framework

With your impact equation, audience map, and competitive landscape in hand, it's time to build your strategic framework. Here are some popular frameworks to consider:

  • RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort): A quantitative framework that assigns scores to each factor, helping you prioritize initiatives based on their potential impact and resource requirements.
  • MoSCoW (Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won't Have): A prioritization tool that categorizes initiatives based on their importance and feasibility, ensuring essential tasks are tackled first.
  • BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting Group Matrix): A quadrant-based framework that categorizes initiatives based on their market share and growth potential, guiding you towards those with high growth potential.

Step 5: Prioritizing Across Channels and Tactics

Now, the rubber meets the road. Applying your chosen framework, prioritize your marketing activities across channels and tactics. Consider factors like:

  • Channel alignment with your target audience: Does your audience spend their time on Instagram or LinkedIn?
  • Tactics with proven ROI: Focus on tactics that demonstrably drive desired outcomes, such as webinars for lead generation or SEO for organic traffic.
  • Resource allocation: Ensure you have the team resources and budget to effectively execute each prioritized initiative.

Step 6: Embracing Agility and Iteration

Remember, marketing is not static. Prioritization is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that requires agility and iteration. Monitor your performance metrics regularly, analyze data, and adapt your strategy as needed. Don't be afraid to pivot away from underperforming initiatives and double down on successful ones.

Beyond the Frameworks: Amplifying Your Impact

While frameworks offer valuable guidance, remember that prioritizing effectively goes beyond mere calculations. Here are some additional tips for maximizing your marketing impact:

  • Inject customer insights: Integrate customer feedback and reviews into your decision-making, ensuring your efforts resonate with their needs.
  • Embrace experimentation: Don't be afraid to test new channels and tactics. Experimentation can unlock hidden gems and optimize your overall strategy.
  • Prioritize collaboration: Align your marketing efforts with other departments, like sales and product development, for a cohesive and impactful approach.
  • Leverage technology: Utilize marketing automation tools and analytics platforms to streamline workflows, gather data, and make informed decisions.


Prioritizing your marketing efforts for maximum business impact is not a race to the finish line, but a sustained journey of discovery and optimization. By understanding your audience, aligning with your business goals, and embracing data-driven decisions, you can navigate the marketing landscape with purpose and watch your efforts blossom into tangible success.

Remember, the true mark of successful prioritization is not a static checklist, but a dynamic mindset that thrives on agility, data-driven insights, and a relentless pursuit of customer-centric marketing excellence.

We have provided you with a roadmap for prioritizing your marketing efforts. However, the journey continues. Don't hesitate to adapt, experiment, and refine your approach to ensure your marketing is always working towards your most impactful goals.


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