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About Us

Who We Are

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Who We Are

Marketing Leaders Connect is a global community of professionals, innovators, and friends united in celebrating the unique connections that inspire us to be happier and more effective marketers.

This professional development and networking group is both a chance to expand your circle and create lifetime friendships.

MLC members span diverse industries and geographic areas, meeting virtually every month to share new ideas, insights, and experiences on how to find solutions to complex marketing challenges.

"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."

- Ryunosuke Satoro

MLC Graph with outlines

The Problem We Face

B2B companies of all sizes are cutting marketing and sales headcounts and budgets. 

Those remaining face a big challenge: how to use limited resources to build the right strategies and carry out necessary activities to meet pipeline and revenue targets. 

A holistic approach to marketing is crucial because what you’ve been doing—or what you are facing now—just isn’t sustainable.

MLC as the Answer

Marketing Leaders Connect (MLC) is the only online and in-person event series where senior marketers come together to explore the world of holistic marketing.

Our community is dedicated to creating a space where marketing leaders can share insights, strategies, and experiences that help B2B marketing teams work better together.

During each event, we cover topics that matter most to modern marketers. Our content provides relevant, practical, and actionable insights from peers and digital strategists from our sponsoring company, O8. Often presented as open panels, members can ask questions and engage directly.

MLC is more than a professional network; it's a supportive community addressing the deeper needs of today's marketing leaders. We offer open discussions on personal growth, fulfillment, and the emerging challenges affecting our lives and careers.

Join us for conversations that improve your marketing approach, share valuable lessons, and offer new perspectives. Whether you're looking for fresh ideas or seeking camaraderie with peers who understand your unique challenges, MLC is your go-to resource. Join the only event series and podcast that brings holistic marketing to life, helping you thrive in this ever-changing landscape.

Participant Guidelines

MLC is dedicated to a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free environment. All attendees, speakers, and sponsors are required to abide by the MLC Code of Conduct during networking events and in other virtual groups or events hosted by or sponsored by MLC.

Code of Conduct

MLC is dedicated to providing a safe, inclusive, welcoming, professional, harassment-free experience for everyone regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, caste, age, religion, and any other status protected by laws in which the event or program is being held. The MLC Code of Conduct ensures we collectively create this kind of experience. This document expresses the behaviors and attitudes we expect as participants, what is unacceptable behavior, how we address unacceptable behavior, and how to ask for help if needed. All participants, including attendees, organizers, speakers, sponsors, presenters, and volunteers are required to abide by the MLC Code of Conduct. Organizers and their designated representatives will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everyone.

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