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December 14, 2023

Marketing Assessment: A Self-Assessment Checklist for Marketing Leaders

Nathan McBride
Written by Nathan McBride
Content Director - O8 Agency
Marketing assessment checklist

Why Marketing Might Be Underperforming: A Self-Assessment Checklist for Marketing Leaders

The red numbers on the marketing dashboard glare back, mocking your best efforts. Campaigns fizzle like damp fireworks, and engagement metrics hover stubbornly in the doldrums. If you're a marketing leader facing this reality, you know the sting of underperformance. But before the panic sets in, take a deep breath and grab this self-assessment checklist. It's time to diagnose the cause and chart a path towards marketing success.

I. Target & Audience

1. Are you targeting the right audience?

  • Checklist:
    • Do you have a clearly defined ideal customer profile (ICP)?
    • Is your targeting based on demographics, behaviors, or psychographics?
    • Have you analyzed your existing customer base to identify commonalities?
    • Have you assessed the accuracy of your targeting parameters across channels?

2. Is your messaging resonating?

  • Checklist:
    • Does your messaging address the needs, wants, and pain points of your target audience?
    • Is your tone and language aligned with your audience's preferences?
    • Are you using the right channels to reach your audience?
    • Have you tested different messaging variations to see what resonates best?

II. Strategy & Planning

3. Do you have a clear marketing strategy aligned with business goals?

  • Checklist:
    • Is your marketing strategy focused on driving specific business objectives (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, sales)?
    • Are your marketing goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound)?
    • Is your strategy informed by market research, competitor analysis, and customer insights?
    • Is your strategy flexible enough to adapt to changing market conditions and trends?

4. Are you using the right marketing mix?

  • Checklist:
    • Are you leveraging a diverse mix of channels (e.g., social media, email, content marketing, paid advertising) based on your target audience and budget?
    • Are you allocating resources effectively across different channels?
    • Are you measuring the effectiveness of each channel and optimizing your spend accordingly?

III. Execution & Measurement

5. Are your campaigns well-executed and optimized?

  • Checklist:
    • Are your campaigns visually appealing, clear, and error-free?
    • Do your campaigns adhere to brand guidelines and messaging consistency?
    • Are your calls to action (CTAs) prominent and actionable?
    • Are you A/B testing different campaign elements to identify what works best?

6. Are you tracking the right metrics and reporting them effectively?

  • Checklist:
    • Are you tracking metrics aligned with your marketing goals?
    • Are you using key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure campaign effectiveness and overall marketing performance?
    • Are you analyzing data regularly and identifying areas for improvement?
    • Are you communicating marketing results clearly and concisely to stakeholders?

IV. Team & Resources

7. Does your team have the necessary skills and expertise?

  • Checklist:
    • Do you have the right people in the right roles to execute your marketing strategy effectively?
    • Are team members up-to-date on the latest marketing trends and technologies?
    • Are you investing in training and development to upskill your team?
    • Do you have a clear communication and collaboration process within the team?

8. Are you utilizing your resources effectively?

  • Checklist:
    • Are you using marketing technology tools to automate tasks and streamline workflows?
    • Are you allocating budget efficiently across different activities and channels?
    • Are you tracking the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing investments?
    • Are you open to exploring new and innovative marketing technologies and tactics?

V. Adaptability & Innovation

9. Are you staying ahead of the curve in your industry?

  • Checklist:
    • Are you actively monitoring industry trends and competitor activity?
    • Are you experimenting with new marketing tactics and technologies?
    • Are you willing to adapt your strategy and approach based on new insights and data?
    • Are you fostering a culture of creativity and innovation within your team?

10. Are you building strong relationships with key stakeholders?

  • Checklist:
    • Do you have strong relationships with key decision-makers within your organization?
    • Do you regularly communicate the value of marketing to other departments?
    • Are you collaborating with other teams to achieve shared goals?
    • Are you actively seeking feedback and input from stakeholders?


This checklist is not exhaustive, and the factors contributing to underperformance can vary depending on your specific situation. We hope this helps!

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